Get clear on what you want. Manifest what you desire. “Easier said than done,” you might say.

If you have ever said, “I want to get clear on what I want” you must feel the deeper feelings that you have resisted feeling.

If you want to bring into reality that thing you say you want, you must allow your deeper feelings to rise to the surface more often.

However, it is scary to feel our feelings because they might reveal something we don’t want to deal with.

Our defense mechanisms try to keep us safe by coming up with a series of ways to avoid feelings. As a result we find ourselves stuck – not moving forward and not extremely happy.

Our feelings can show us things about ourselves that we don’t like. They can show us that our relationship might not be stable, they can show us that we feel insecure about something at work, or that we are not okay with the extra pounds we are carrying.

So this week’s episode is an important one if you wish to make significant changes in any area of your life. We need to discover and name your primary avoidance behavior to feeling your feelings.

Let me explain in this video:

Jot down which is the avoidance behavior that you will commit to stopping just for this week. Promise yourself: I will be honest with myself and STOP _______ so that I can really hear my own heart and my own inner voice telling me what’s going on. Later, you may keep it stopped for as long as you wish, but start with a 1-week commitment.

If you want support and accountability, share below what you are willing to stop for a week.

The one thing I’ll be working on this week is stopping email after 9PM so I can experience more of what I am feeling and wanting.

Much love,
