How often do you let fear of being judged stop you?

It used to stop me often. That fear took a toll on me because I wanted to have more love, more creative expression, and more business success in my life; but I was scared to put myself ‘out there’ in many situations.

That has changed over the few years due to a few key practices. If you want to move forward faster in your life and not let the fear of people talking negatively of you stop you, this week’s episode is perfect for you.

I am even more proud of this new found ability to not let this fear stop me, because I get judged a lot! Check out how I respond to some nasty comments I received on YouTube and Facebook.

It’s actually funny, and I believe very empowering.

How do you react to negative comments and judgments that come your way? Be honest.

I don’t want this to stop you from moving forward with what your heart is calling you to do.

Share your comment, question, or practice that helps you below.

I would love to hear from you.

Much love,
