Last week I went to an event where there were hundreds of coaches and consultants.

Want to know who stood out and made money?

It was those of us that could clearly and quickly show how we were different to everyone else, while not being too wordy, cutesy, or weird. You’ve probably seen the other side of this – the people who try too hard to be different; so much so that no one really understands what the hell they do.

How do you stand out from those who do a similar thing as you?

How do you make it clear to people that you are different from your competitors in a short statement that moves them to pay you?

In this week’s Awaken TV episode, I give you an important piece on how to speak clearly and magnetically about the difference between you and your competitors.

I give you an example that we use to distinguish how we are very different to most business coaches in our Business Leadership Mastery program. Check out the example and then create your own ‘Statement of Difference’ that needs to be part of your marketing strategy.


Complimentary Business Strategy Session
This session is only for those who are serious about making at least $100,000 – $500,000 in their business every year. It takes time, skills, courage, inner work, and money to make a business work. We have a very different and effective approach to business coaching with a variety of programs depending on your level of experience and how fast you want to grow.

In this private coaching session we will map out a plan to solve your biggest business problem that you are facing right now, and offer you the best resource we have to implement that plan if you need support.

If you would like to apply for one of the 30 sessions available simply send an email to within the next week and answer these questions:
1) What are the top 3 business goals you want to achieve in the next 12 months?
2) What are the biggest challenges facing you that could stop you from doing this?
3) How much income are you currently making in your business?

We have helped hundreds of conscious entrepreneurs align the material with the spiritual. We can help you make a larger impact with your work and make good money doing it.

Simply send us an email with your answers to the questions above.
Much love,
