This weekend I had an interesting reading from a medical intuitive.

I was quite impressed when he zeroed in on my back injury within seconds along with a few other parts of my body where I am susceptible to discomfort.

The feedback that I wasn’t quite expecting was about my tendency to “over-give” and how I find it hard to say “no.”

It’s been a big and busy week here. In the midst of everything my attention has been more on how little I have been “filling myself up” lately.

This week I want to check in with you about how much you are filling yourself up.

Being “full of yourself” in this sense is crucial if you are going to live a life of great meaning and happiness.

Those who are “full of themselves” are world changers in the best possible way. Those who are “full of themselves,” are able to grow their business, not slow their business. Those who are full of themselves are happier.

If you are not full, you are playing a no-win game of “if I just help others enough then I will feel full.” You have to fill yourself first.

Watch me talk about the 3 ways that I always want you to be “full of yourself” so you can make a bigger difference but not burn out.

I’d love to hear from you with your answer to this important question:
How do you know when you are out of balance? What is your barometer to know you are over-giving?

Post a comment below, and remember:
You should always be giving to yourself as much as anyone else.

Much love,