I have the pleasure of doing video reviews for our clients in the Authentic Speaker Academy where I help them shoot awesome videos that bring more income into their business, as well as become great presenters on any size stage.

I find myself giving the same suggestions for improvement over and over again. I thought you might be interested to find out which suggestions make the biggest difference to your presence on camera.

If you are a business owner, videos should be a part of your marketing now.

Are you procrastinating about shooting videos because you don’t like to watch yourself? Do you get self-conscious and not know how to capture your natural strengths and personality on camera?

This week’s Awaken TV episode is going to change that.

My intention with this video is to either get you over the hump of doing more of your own videos, OR if you are already shooting videos, how to increase your presence so you connect to more people.

Watch this short video and then practice these 5 tips to have more presence on video.

Also, our Authentic Speaker Academy is open to applications right now. If you want to work with Datta and I in 2015 to become a confident, authentic, and effective presenter so you can reach more people and increase your income quickly, then check it out and apply here.

I’d love to have you post below what keeps you stuck from shooting videos? I’d love to help.

Much love,
