Feeling separate and different from others is often where judgment and fear begin.
What’s one of the earliest examples of separation we experience?

It’s with the Opposite Sex.

I’m a girl, you are a boy. Girls are smart, boys are rough.

What you say about the opposite sex can give you huge insight into why your life, and particularly your relationships, are the way there are right now.

Take my challenge in this week’s Awaken TV episode to explore your beliefs about the opposite sex and let me help you shed some light on why the opposite sex relates to you the way they do.

IMPORTANT: Just so you know, the opening lines in this video are NOT my beliefs.

Watch the short video above and pay closer attention to your judgmental beliefs about the opposite sex this week, especially if you are saying to yourself right now, I don’t have any judgmental beliefs about the opposite sex. You might need to dig a little deeper.

I’d love to hear what arises for you with this week’s challenge. Post a comment below.

Much love,