We all create these things in our life:

– Petty arguments with our spouse/partner
– Friends being disappointed in us
– Clients or colleagues frustrated when they thought we would deliver something and it didn’t meet their expectations.

There is a practice that I have implemented more in my life and business in recent years that has significantly reduced the amount of petty arguments and miscommunications with those around me.

In today’s Awaken TV episode, learn what that practice is and why I had been so resistant to doing it in the past. Many ‘spiritual’ people are resistant to this and it causes unnecessary pain and distrust among others.

This practice can save friendships, marriages, and client or colleague relationships down the road. How often are you implementing this practice?

I’d love to know what stops you from doing this practice and making agreements with those you want to build strong relationships with.

Post a comment or question below.

After you watch this short video, I encourage you to make a list of the things in your life and your business where there is not yet a clear agreement made between you and another party. This will drastically reduce the amount of unnecessary arguments and pain down the road.

Much love,


P.S. If you want to turn your business that you have been treating as a hobby into a thriving money earner get to Awaken Your Impact in September. If you are like us and see that growing your business can be your spiritual practice, get to Awaken Your Impact. This event covers 5 key areas of training you must master if you are going to stand out in your industry, master your fear, and double your sales over the next 12 months. Check out some video clips from our event last year: http://AwakenYourImpact.com

We’d love to have you join us.