When am I going to meet my man?

That was the question I kept asking myself.
Your questions might be: What is stopping me from making more money? Is he the one? Should I leave my job?

I was not getting clear answers about my relationship situation, and I didn’t know which voice to trust as ‘higher guidance’ versus just my mind talking to me.

When I made this one shift in the process of asking the questions, I started getting VERY clear answers, that ended up to be absolutely true 100% of the time. It led me to meeting Datta in a very unlikely place. That inner voice clearly told me, “go here. . .” I did. WOW!

To learn the most important tweak I made in the process of trying to get a clear, intuitive answer watch this week’s Awaken TV episode.

This is going to help you get connected to a ‘higher source’ of awareness, any time you need to.

Watch the short video, and then ask yourself a question you want a clear answer to.


Feminine Presence Meditation CD
Includes 6 powerful meditations, specifically designed for women to enhance their feminine energy, personal presence, and ability to get clear intuitive answers. The final meditation takes you through the exact process I did to get these 2 clear answers that I mention in this week’s video. Just follow along with my voice and let the answers rise up — and perhaps surprise you.
Get your copy at: http://FeminineMeditations.com

Much love,

P.S. I’d love to know what answer arose for you. You can post a comment below the video here.