Ever wonder how to connect with an audience quickly?

If you had 2 minutes to engage and inspire an audience, how would you start?

The start of your presentation is critical to setting up your credibility, to having the audience eager to learn, and to having them want to work with you further.

In this week’s Awaken TV episode, it’s all about Awakening Your Impact and Inspiring Change through speaking, particularly how to open the speech powerfully and authentically.

Check it out here, so you always have a great opening line.

We are in Australia this week, and we get to work here because we have a presentation that works! We have studied and taught speaking for years, so check out the video and gain from our experience.

This week we are opening registrations for our 2015 Authentic Speaker Academy. Watch this week’s video for your speaking tip and then check out the opportunity to be in a small group that we help become world-class presenters and triple their income through speaking . . . quickly! Visit http://AuthenticSpeakerAcademy.com to apply.

Much love,


P.S. This is the first of our Awaken TV Down Under Series. Look out for some cool videos from sunny Australia in the next few weeks. We are having a ton of fun teaching our Aussie friends how to own the stage.