Has anyone broken trust with you recently?

Have you been in an unfortunate situation where an important relationship has gone sour?

When this happens it can hurt, and you can spend endless hours of wasted time going over in your head why you are “right” or what you would say if you had the chance.

I believe we all need time to feel angry. But if you are ready to move through some of the pain that you are carrying about what happened, and you are just not quite ready to forgive them, here’s your first step to freedom.

Please share your insights below. What parts of the interaction with this person are you willing to own?

Are you ready to commit to forgiving yourself?

I’d love to hold that space for you.

Let us know if there are any questions or challenges you are facing that you’d love us to shoot an Awaken TV episode about. Post them below.

Thanks for sharing!

Much love,