Some people have an energetic guard around their heart.

No matter how much they focus on affirmations, abundance, or a desire to receive more from life, those things don’t come flowing in.

Many of us may not have a guard up 100% of the time, but it definitely pops up from time and time. Speaking for myself, sometimes I feel open to receive people’s love and support, and other times I don’t.

Being open to receive more in your life is the topic of this week’s Awaken TV.

Would you like to receive more love, more support, or more financial prosperity in your life?

Take a few minutes to pause right now and watch this.

Be sure to check out my new style of hugging. It feels great!

Watch the video to check out this quick but important practice that will open the gates to letting a lot more flow in.

Much love,
Rachael Jayne
P.S. Receiving more is not a mindset shift, as much as it is a body and energetic shift. Check out the video to start practicing.