Location: Bucharest, Romania

Level 1 Teacher


Cristina Simincianu is a psychologist. Being passionate about the vast human potential  and  overcoming our own limits, most of the time self-imposed, during the last past 9 years Cristina went through a series of transformational self-development courses, leadership, communication, photo-reading, creativity, followed by a series of spiritual workshops, with a complete different approach on life, and in her own inner journey she discovered Rachael Jayne Groover, author of the book “Powerful and Feminine”, founder of The Awakened School and creator of the “Art of Feminine Presence” Series, with  whom she resonated profoundly and decided to take all the necessary steps to bring this method in Romania. Cristina decided to master these techniques and share forward this system so she participated to an Intensive Seminar with Rachael Jayne Groover, in June 2014, in Zandvoort, Netherlands, followed by a Teachers Training to be licensed to teach in Romania and other countries.


Cristina Simincianu este  pshiholog, pasionata fiind de  potential uman incredibil de vast si depasirea propriilor propriilor limite, de cele mai multe ori auto impuse,  in decursul timpului a parcurs o serie  cursuri transformationale de dezvoltare personala, leadership, comunicare, photoreading  si creativitate urmind apoi o serie de seminarii de natura spirituala, intuitiva, cu o abordare diferita. In calatoria mea introspectiva a descoperit-o pe Rachael Jayne Groover, autoarea cartii “Puternica si feminina”, fondatoarea proiectului “The Yin Project” si creatoarea metodei “Arta prezentei Feminine” cu care a rezonat profund, prin urmare a hotarit sa parcurg toti pasii necesari pentru a aduce aceasta metoda in Romania. A hotarit sa aprofundeze aceste tehnici si sa le impartaseasca mai departe, prin urmare a participat la un seminar intensiv cu Rachael Jayne Groover, in iunie 2014, in Zandvoort, Olanda, urmat apoi de un modul de certificare in vederea  sustinerii acestor seminarii in Romania si nu numai.


Please contact Cristina for details on her upcoming classes and events.

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