Anke Ajana Randegger

Location: Frenkendorf, Baselland, Switzerland

Level 2 Teacher

About Anke Ajana Randegger

The strength of AFP lies in its simplicity. It leads you directly into the core of your being, your feminine essence.

What that feels like, cannot be described in words, only be experienced. But I promise, you will feel feminine and powerful, you will have more energy and feel less tired, you will get in touch with your worth and be able to communicate your truth naturally. The underlying power of your feminine essence is like a diamond radiating all your beauty into being and attracting whatever your heart desires into your life.

I have been leading women circles for more than 15 years and have studied with many amazing women around the world. I am passionate about guiding women into their true essence. With AFP I found practices that work quickly and are showing results instantly.

The moment you get in touch with your feminine essence is pure magic. It literally lights you up. From this place everything in life starts to flow much easier, and you will feel the freedom to create the life you want. I am a graduate of The Awakened School Coaching Program as well as a Level 1 Licensed Art of Feminine Presence Teacher.

I offer personal online coaching and teach AFP practices in a variety of courses and settings.

[Anke is a Level 3 Art of Feminine Presence Teacher.]


Classes are Tuesdays from 9 – 11:15 and Thursdays from 1500 – 17:15.

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