How are you at setting boundaries?

Do you suck at it? Are you heavy-handed with people? Do you wait too long to set boundaries and then get ‘push-back?’

It can be a delicate balance to not let people walk all over you, and at the same time not piss people off.

Remember, you teach people how to treat you.

If you would like to become awesome at setting boundaries, you should watch this week’s Awaken TV episode on how to gracefully set boundaries, in a way that everyone involved wins. Here are some great practical steps to take in setting up a boundary conversation and what to say during the conversation.


Art of Feminine Presence™ Intensive
This is an unconventional leadership and spiritual development training for women. I believe every woman, who wants to be seen and heard in a larger way, should experience it. The sooner the better!

This year we are in the USA, Canada, Japan, and Australia. I know it may mean getting on a plane, but I promise you it will be well worth it. One of the things that happens as a result of women learning the practices I teach is the art of setting very strong boundaries in a ‘feminine’ way. Check out the dates for the 3-day intensive and Teacher Training here.